
Goodbye USA

Don't write on your homepage that you can take 2 suitcases á 32kg when your employees don't know anything of it!!!
O'Hare, 11.30
To get a parking spot at airports might be difficult, but isn't it there damned job that they have trolley carts. NO! Chicago doesn't think it could be necessary and more easier for tourists. Three suitcases a medium-sized adidas back filled with presents for home, a side pocket plus a bag with presents from friends and Sarah and Lara. We were load like camels! It took us ages to get to my terminal with all these things.
At the terminal I payed the money for the third suitcase and after weighing she said I had to pay again because it wouldn't be allowed to take more than 32kg. Luckily Sarah was there, because I stood there with my mouth wide open. Not this amount again, please not!
The lady accepted our story about the internet, because we said the truth! All cunts there.
No time for a big farewell, because I was late. Two crying girls at the airport with the hope that they will see each other as soon as possible.
The gate was like always in the hindmost corner at the flight was bad! I hate United, their pilotes win their license by playing skat or whatever. Bad landings guys really bad!
When my airplane would turn into a jumping rabbit when I try to get back on the ground I would think about my abilities!
YES! Fortunately I changed airplanes and companies, theres nothing like Lufthansa.
But to get to this gate I had to ask some policeman who didn't know the right way, but I found one person who could help me. "You have to go out of this building, catch a bus but I can't tell you exactly which one, and then you will arrive there where you want to go" "Oh, thanks a lot (you asshole why are you working here when you don't know anything, he?)
I was angry but was still friendly to all the people I asked, none but fools.
I trust myself and I found it! Yeah, this is what I wanted to do in my whole life: Driving over the highway to the next terminal. Why can't they built it easier that everything is connected.
The next thing was: Security. Second time that I had to take my shoes, coat off and on. The security moved my bag forward and backwards and this a couple of times. Fuck you, find something, whatever you do I don't care anymore!
Nice as some Americans can be they apologised. Cute :-)
I got excited when I saw my airplane rolling to the gate.

I love flying, nothing is better than this.

Before the boarding started, this stupid lady said that all foreigners, except Canada, had to go to the computer to take a photo and to get a dactylogram on a piece of paper. Screw you, I did it before with my Visa, but they wanted to get sure that I am not criminal. Wohoho I am a typical gangster from Germany!!
Glad to sit at the window and to relax I enjoyed a 6 and a half hour flight included half hour turbolenzes over greenland. The flight attendants were very friendly, but I had no sleep, because this bloody lady next to me moved from left to right and from right to left the whole time.
The Arrival was scheduled at 8.58am. Hey, although we were late because of boarding, which took us 1hour we were too early and that sucks. Another 40min flying in circles because we didn't get the clearance to land, I felt like in a roller coaster :-)
I got all my suitcases, no one got lost, but one was checked by security. I couldn't deal with this anymore and so I missed three or more times that one of my suitcase passed me. Leave me all alone, this is what I thought.
People starred at me, when they saw me coming out because I couldn't look over this hill of suitcases!
Happy to see my parents again, we opened a bottle of champagne at the parking garage and I had a bad jet lag which I never have had before in my entire life


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warum schreibst du mich nicht??du bist eine Dumme Ziege, launische und unzufrieden hahahaha.Ich bin nicht gut.Meine Mutter ist sehr krank.Ich vermisse dich.Alex!!

P.D:Ich will zu die Hochzeit gehen!!!Rufe mich an!!!
So...What do u think of my deutsch??hahaha.Es ist sehr kalt in Madrid