

I wish you all a spooky day!

The real Halloween is standing in front of the door and I had to be dressed up again, although I am not in the mood. But I did it for the kids. So around six the friends of my hostfamily arrived with their kids and we started to go out for Trick or Treat
it was so cute! I wasn't sure if I really should go to our neighbours house and say:
So I was standing more in the background to watch the kids how exited they were. Although we only went to five or six houses the kids got a lot of candy...
Later we had some mexican dinner and then I left to Judith to show her how stupid I was looking. She was laughing and told me this would be typical for me, to look like this. Is this good or not? I have no idea!
We went then to Starbucks to have some coffee, ja I was still wearing my costume! Nobody said anything, not you are looking good or something. Nothing!!! Not even an Happy Halloween.
Mmmmh, I wished somebody would have told me you are looking gordeous or something like this!

This is my hostfamily dressed up for Halloween

Beauty and the Beast (Jennifer and Randy)

CJ as Superman Kylie as Snowhite Cameron as a Pumpkin




Here is a typical day with Kylie: Baking and painting (stamping feed and hands on paper). She is most of the time a really cute girl. I mean when she is not in a bad mood, like every girl can be, right?! So today we did some cookies for Halloween. I invited Sarah over and so she was looking at us, what a mess we did. It was fine! It was funny doing Halloween cookies, ghosts and other stuff, but after a while I got crancky, because normally I bake on my own and needn't to wait for someone, but at these moments I always count till 10 and sometimes it helps. I noticed that german cookies are not working here, because the oven is totally different from our one at home. So some were burned on the bottom and the other ones melted over the whole plate. Okay, no one will eat german cookies here, because it is not working. Bloody hell!!! Why I am standing in the kitchen for so long when it turns out in shit! After this I was in a really bad mood and I had to clean the kitchen before Randy would come home with CJ from the haircut. I turned into a monster. I was really unzufrieden!!!! hahaha

But there is someone HERE who can rescue my day when I am crancky or sad. And here HE is, my little boy


Doing Pumpkins

My first time carving a Pumpkin. Usually it takes around one hour to finish your Pumpkin, but I was sitting in front of my one two and a half hour!

First of all Jennifer (my hostmum) told me I have to cut the head of this guy of. For my first time, I think, I did a good job 15-20min is good! Then I draw the face on my Pumpkin, I did a really friendly one. Before you cut the eyes, mouth, nose out you have to get all this stuff out of the Pumpkin, which is really iihh but here are the seeds inside, which Randy used later. It is a lot of work but really funny because we were listening to Halloween music like Ghostbusters...
When Sarah called I was near done with my Pumpkin and she told me that she wanted to do some stars on her Pumpkin. Mmmh, when she is doing some stars on hers then my one would look really boring next to hers. Anyway my one was really boring next to the other ones. Randy did eyes and a mouth like Spongebob, Jennifers was really cute and CJs had ears.
So I started my next project on my Pumpkin: I wrote down HAPPY HALLOWEEN
It was a lot of work but my Pumpkin named Happy Booh was perfect!
Ah the seeds: Randy got them out of this sticky Pumpkin stuff and put them in the oven with butter and salt. They were really good when we ate them, more better than out of a package

My Pumpkin before I carved him

the one with Happy Halloween in it is my one
here is my Pumpkin on the right. Come on guys, for my first time he is pretty good, mh?


Halloween Party

Yeah, today is my first Halloween in my life! Sarah and me we are going as girls from the 80's and we will look very stupid. In the morning I went to this Arts and Craft store to get a different black T-shirt because I decided to cut it and to put glitter on it. I bought all my stuff and went then to Walgreens to get some stuff for my face. I payed a lot, but who cares, it is Halloween!
When I came home I coloured my T-shirt pink and put glitter on it., but the colour didn't work in the end, but the glitter was still there. How is an 80s girl looking like, I was thinking. I would say bad as it is possible! I took purple eyeshadow, pink rouge, glitter around my eyes, huge earrings in form of stars, an ugly pink necklace, bracelets and my hair had to be very huge. I was laughing when I saw the result how I was looking. It was funny! I waited for Sarah to come over because I was bored after I finished with my outfit. Half an hour later she arrived and she was screaming when she opened my door, but she wasn't looking better than me!!!
She dressed up and we went to Panera (one of my favorite little restaurants) to eat dinner at 4 o'clock. We had fun, because the people there were looking at us if we would be silly. I can say: Yes we are!!!
After our little dinner, we went to the train station to go downtown Chicago. In the next three stops we met Paddy and Andreia in the train , and they were looking really good

So we got Downtown and took a taxi to the HI hostel, were the Cultural Care Halloween party was.
There we met our friend Kelly, who was there with her friend Kelly, who is also from Australia. They came in a limo, I wish we would have done the same instead of going by train! Kelly came as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She was really cute looking and her friend Kelly had the funniest outfit I have ever seen. That is the reason why she won at the end of a costume contest
I wasn't dancing a lot because I preferred to chat with people I met in the training school. I haven't seen them a long time and we noticed that we are living very close together!
The trainride home with Sarah was funny. The ticket collector started talking to us when he heard our accents and was talking the whole ride home.
I enjoyed the night and it was good to see all these guys again. Don't think it was only a girls party, NO, there where a lot of boys who came here as AuPairs.....


Zoo with the kids

Here everything happened yesterday! Sarah, the kids and me we went to he Zoo in Brookfield which is around 45 minutes away from Palatine, where I am living. It wasn't really cold that day, especially not for me because of pushing this bloody stroller wiuth two kids in it. Kylie could walk but it would take us too much time! sarah and me we were really exited to see a real Racoon
But for me the reindeer was the best one because it was named like my mum. Look at it, it is cute!!!!
By the way, although it is cute and named like my mum, she is not so lazy like this ;-)

After a while I became crancky because the kids kept asking if I would by them something. Hello? I am not eaarning a lot of money, yeah I knew this before, so how should I buy something? Tell kids they are not allowed to have Candy liek other kids, how? They always start crying. I didn't when I was little! I always said, okay then next time. I was such a good kid, made never problems was never in a bad mood.... hahaha

Especially for my sister we went to the giraffes, she loves them, to take some pictures for her. I am a good actor: Look at this photo I am smiling although I could have screamed!!!

Thank YOU Sarah that you went with the kids to the kids Zoo! Luckily I needn't to touch these stinky goats, because I was standing outside with Cameron. He was sleeping, happy me!

Last stop was Australia, for Sarah! I think she felt home, did you?!
I was pissed at the end of the day. Had a headache and whatever....
Yes and at night I stood up with fever. That is way I was so easy pissed! NOT because of the kids, no never! ;-)



12.15 meeting at Sarahs place to get ready to go to Kelly
12.40 We are leaving to pick up Paddy and Andreia
12.50 We are on our way to Gurnee to pick up Kelly. We left Sarahs car at her place and she drove us to Wisconsin. She lives only 40 mins from Milwaukee away
????? We are on our way to Milwaukee and had a lot of fun
We arrived in Milwaukee and got lost because there were so many road constructions there which not only confused our driver Kelly
We haven't seen a lot from Milwaukee, okay before the girls will kill me, we were driving around through the city. We went to an Irish pub, which was really good for me hahaha no Alcohol! Our last stop was a cafe with very unfriendly people inside. The coffee wasn't good, nothing is better than Starbucks!!! We didn't really spend much time in Downtwon Milwaukee
Do you guys like my new head?
We went around seven to the concert. Jepp I bought a T-shirt from this band :-)
We didn't get really good places, because Sarah and I wanted to buy some band shirts and they didn't take my bloody credit card, so we had to go outside to get to the ATM and then line up again to go through the security search. . I know Sarah it was my fault that I never have cash with me ;-) and then we were standing in the samllest room I have ever seen for a concert
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The band before The Fray did a good job but Kelly, Sarah and me we got bored after while. When the main band came our feet hurt so much that we started to think about when it will be finished. It was a really nice concert although I only knew two songs of the band, but I am looking forward to get their CD.
Typical girls always they have to go to the bathroom ;-) Sarah und ich sind nach dem Konzert zur petrol station rueber gelaufen, weil McDonald's zu hatte, um ein Klo zu finden. There were some black guys and when one of them saw us he asked Sarah if she would have 93cents, crazy I know. She gave him a Dollar and he blessed her and started talking to us. Anyway at the end I decided not to go to the bathroom because it was discusting! We got a little into panic when one guy was looking at us and said:Hey baby... You never know in the USA, you can get a gun here with 16!!!!
We are still alive
Oh gosh, before I forget it, someone threw up at the concert, really yummy ;-)

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We took this photo on our way back to Chicago while Kelly was driving. Was funny when she pulled always over to the other side ;-) We can be happy that there were no cars behind us and no police around!!!
Guys never do this in your life it is too dangerous


The bad thunderstorm with Sarah

Ihr glaubt es nicht, aber wir hatten einen mega Surm hier und Sarah und ich wir hatten am Abend mal wieder nichts besseres zu tun als zu Starbucks zu fahren anstatt zu Hause zu bleiebn und uns selbst Kaffee zu machen, aber wenn man schon mal Geld verdient, dann sollte man das auch schoen ordentlich ausgeben, nicht wahr?
Wie gesagt, der Sturm war so heftig! Sie Sarah came with the big car of her hostdad and when we came to the street this car was a little bit shaking and we were driving around 20miles per hour, so very slow! We couldn't see anything and when we came to Starbucks and got our coffee the storm started to be more stronger. Bloody hell, was this bad. Although I was afraid I had to laugh about our situation because I have never seen a storm like this and especially never so much water on the streets! We could be really happy that Sarah came with the big car. It was thundering and lightening and it didn't want to stop! Sarah was alittle bit over at my family and I didn't want to let her go ack to her place, because for me it seemed to dangerous.
Last but not least the alarm started ringing because we lost our electricity for some seconds. Crazy and too loud!!!
I was near to die ;-)
But, I survived


My Birthday

Heute ist mein Geburtstag und diesen Tag hier werde ich in meinem Leben nicht mehr vergessen ;-)
Ich hab von gestern auf heute bei Sarah geschlafen und mein neues Jahr hat so angefangen, indem ich meinen Geburtstag verpennt hab. Sarah und ich hatten naemlich einen Film geschaut und um zwoelf bimmelte mein Handy. Mein Schwesterherz hat sich doch tatsaechlich (anscheinend) den Wecker gestellt um mir um Punkt zwoelf zu gratulieren. Ja dann war mein Geburtstag da und ich fuehl mich wie 16 und kein Jahr aelter oder ein Gramm schwerer ;-)
Nein, natuerlich hab ich meine Finger von den ganzen Umschlaegen gelassen, da ich meine Geschenke immer morgens auspacke.
Wir sind auch ziemlich frueh schlafen gegangen, da AuPairs immer muede vom Kinder hueten sind!! Ab fuenf war meine nacht zu Ende weil ich Gewissensbisse hatte, da ich Anrufe in Abwesenheit auf meinem cell phone hatte, mein Papa (er ist eigentlich zum groessten Teil der Erste der in meinem neuen Lebensjahr erscheint). Ich bin ueber mein gruebeln wieder eingeschlafen aber um halb neun war es dann endgueltig vorbei, da meine Gedanken nur darum kreisten wie schoen es doch jetzt waere zu Hause zu sein. Denn da wuerde mich jemand in die Arme nehmen! Auf dem Bauch liegend und gruebelnd was ich jetzt machen soll, hab ich dann meine ganzen Umschlaege ausgepackt. Na klaro, erst der Brief von Mama, der mich nebenbei sowas von zum Heulen und Lachen gebracht hat, und dann Opas Geschenk usw.
Bin jetzt ein Tommy Hilfiger Oberteil reicher! *f*
Auch am Telefon hab ich gebraescht, aber als ich dann meinen Ex an der Strippe hatte und seine Stimme nicht erkannt hatte war mir das schon etwas peinlich... Aber ich kann ja auch nichts fuer die Leitung und wenn das hier so ankam als ob das meine Nachbarin Anita gewesen waere, auch gut nicht wahr?!
Als wir bei mir ankamen kam meine suesse Kylie nackend in mein Zimmer gerannt und wollte zwar was sagen aber Sarah interrupted her and said: It is Lara's birthday, what do you say?
Die Suesse rannte auf mich zu und ich nahm sie in den Arm. Nach einer Umarmung und einem Kussi dachte ich es wuerde das gewohnte Happy Birthday kommen, aber Kylie sagte ganz schuechtern: Thank You worauf ein Happy Birthday aber folgte
Um halb zwei viel mir ein, dass Sarah und ich ja eigentlich Downtown fahren wollten um uns King Tut anzuschauen, Folge: Wir verpassten den Zug. Motiviert wie man an seinem Geburtstag nun mal ist, schlug ich als Alternative den Zoo vor.
Ja, der Brookfield Zoo ist toll, aber erst mal dahin zu kommen ist ne andere Sache. Drei Maedels versuchten dann diesen Zoo ausfindig zu machen und dafuer brauchten wir anderthalb Stunden, aber immerhin, wir kamen an auch wenn ich den groessten Teil meiens Geburtstages auf der Autobahn verbracht habe ;-)

Kurze Angabe: Der Zoo ist wie jeder andere, viele Tiere und stinkig
Am Abend wurde mein Geburtstag von der halben Gastfamilie gefeiert und ich bekam einen kuchen und schoene Geschenke. Ach ja gesungen wurde auch fuer mich und das auch schoen schief ;-)

PS: I want to thank Jen, CJ, Kylie, Cameron and Anne for this nice little birthday party. I am sorry that you were not there Randy, but I had a really nice Sunday at the Blue Man Group with Jen and you before
Sarah, thank you for this day on the highway and the Cheesecake Factory ;-)