
The bad thunderstorm with Sarah

Ihr glaubt es nicht, aber wir hatten einen mega Surm hier und Sarah und ich wir hatten am Abend mal wieder nichts besseres zu tun als zu Starbucks zu fahren anstatt zu Hause zu bleiebn und uns selbst Kaffee zu machen, aber wenn man schon mal Geld verdient, dann sollte man das auch schoen ordentlich ausgeben, nicht wahr?
Wie gesagt, der Sturm war so heftig! Sie Sarah came with the big car of her hostdad and when we came to the street this car was a little bit shaking and we were driving around 20miles per hour, so very slow! We couldn't see anything and when we came to Starbucks and got our coffee the storm started to be more stronger. Bloody hell, was this bad. Although I was afraid I had to laugh about our situation because I have never seen a storm like this and especially never so much water on the streets! We could be really happy that Sarah came with the big car. It was thundering and lightening and it didn't want to stop! Sarah was alittle bit over at my family and I didn't want to let her go ack to her place, because for me it seemed to dangerous.
Last but not least the alarm started ringing because we lost our electricity for some seconds. Crazy and too loud!!!
I was near to die ;-)
But, I survived

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