

Two weeks ago, a friend came over and was talking with someone on his mobile. Great, why are you coming over when you have to do something else?
Anyway, he gave me the phone and I had to talk to this guy. Super-duper!
"Mhh I was in the USA, in Chicago..."
"Wow that sounds like fun.... I come over in a couple of days for a coffee..."
"That's a joke?"
"No, I want to get to know you!"
My friend talked to him after this (with loudspeaker), "She is cute and.... I want to get to know her, can you arrange a date?"
hahaha who is asking me if I want this?! Women are not allowed to say their opinion or what
I was close to scream: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't heard from him till Friday.
My friend was over again and called this guy. Oh great, time for me to leave this room or whole flat. "Wait, can you remember Lara? Hold on a sec"
"Fuck you!"
I talked to him an hour or more about useless stuff. I thought that would be alright by now and I would be done
He told my friend again that he.....
"No, I don't want to meet him. Tell him I want to become a nun and I have a weird opinion about men and sexuality!" My friend repeated what I said, but...
He called the homephone two days later (my friend is so nice and gave him the number grrr) and wanted to come over (1am)
"I am sleeping" He didn't believe it, but what would you say in my situation?
He promised my friend that I would fall in love with him very soon = I have to puke!
We will see who is stronger because I am female and a bitch :-D


Sarah said...


You're too funny! Your life if like a soap opera!

Anonymous said...

Ermmmm...its quite interesting to see how ur scoutin a new boyfriend!!hahahaha!!!!Good good!!
,Unbelievable!!how nice!ur gonna get in love with him....so i wont learn german anymore!!!hahaha
*Alex Lopez